Drinkaware Website User Feedback 2017


Date published





Drinkaware Website Visitor Feedback Survey 2017

Drinkaware Website User Feedback 2017


Date published




As part of our process of constant improvement, we routinely ask website visitors to tell us who they are, what they're looking for and how useful the whole process is. 

During 2017, 3,722 people gave us feedback about the Drinkaware website. Data was collected during four different times of year (January, March/April, July and December 2017) to capture seasonal variation in visitor patterns and since 2017 the findings are collated in an annual report. 

Who visited the website?

56% of respondents said that they were female and 43% said that they were male (1% selected 'prefer not to say')

Almost half of respondents were between 35 and 54 years old, but responses were received from all age groups. 

Using the new Drinkaware segmentation we can see that our visitors represented different types of drinkers, some were better represented in the survey than others.

Why did they visit the website?

During 2017, the top three reasons for visiting the website were:

  • I want to better understand my own drinking
  • I want to find out about the health impact of alcohol
  • I want to find out about the effects of alcohol

What was the impact of their visit?

63% said that they had a 'better' or 'much better' understanding of the effect of drinking

63% said that they had a 'better' or 'much better' understanding of the low risk drinking guidelines

90% said that they would recommend the Drinkaware website to friends or family in the future

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