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Understanding drinking among midlife men in the United Kingdom: A systematic review of qualitative studies


Date published



Literature review


Understanding drinking among midlife men: a systematic review

Understanding drinking among midlife men in the United Kingdom: A systematic review of qualitative studies


Date published



Literature review

From 5,172 titles and abstracts, 11 publications were included, representing 6 unique studies.

What we found

  • Motivations for drinking among midlife men were associated with relaxation, socialising and maintenance of male friendships.
  • Midlife men saw their drinking as a choice and in contrast to ‘problem drinkers’ who cannot meet key responsibilities.
  • Strong social norms govern drinking amongst this group, with alcohol consumption seen as an expression of masculinity.
  • There is an evidence gap of primary studies focusing on drinking in middle-aged men

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Implications for the work of Drinkaware

Interventions using information and guidance should consider the significance of the meanings and social importance of alcohol consumption among midlife men when aiming to effectively influence the way this group drinks.

To gain further insights we commissioned innovative research published in the report Midlife Male Drinking.

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