Drinkaware Website User Feedback 2016
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Drinkaware Website Visitor Feedback 2016
Understanding our audience is crucial in helping us to provide the tools, information and resources they need to make better choices about their drinking. Which is why we routinely ask our website users what they think of drinkaware.co.uk
9.2 million people visited the Drinkaware website in 2016, but who were these people, what were they looking for and how useful did they find their visit?
To answer these questions and more we asked 4,110 people using the Drinkaware website what they thought of it. Data was collected across four different times of year (July, October, December 2016 and January 2017) to capture seasonal variation in visitor patterns and since 2016 the findings are collated in an annual report.
Who visited the website?
59% of repondents were female and 40% were male (1% selected 'prefer not to say')
Two in three respondents were over 35 years old, but overall we got feedback from adults of all ages.
What was the impact of their visit?
64% of respondents said they had a 'better' or much better' understanding of the guidance on low risk drinking having visited the Drinkaware website.
65% of respondents said that they had 'better' or 'much better' understanding of the effects of alcohol after visiting the Drinkaware website.
60% said they had a 'better' or 'much better' understanding of what to do to prevent harm to themselves from visiting the Drinkaware website.
Nine in ten respondents said they would recommend the Drinkaware website to friends and family.