A study analysed the information on cancer disseminated by 27 alcohol industry funded organisations. The independent UK alcohol education charity Drinkaware was among the organisations whose information was studied, and based on the analysis claims were made of misrepresentation of evidence about the alcohol-related risk of cancer and alcohol industry influence.
In response to this, Drinkaware's Director of Evidence and Impact together with its independent Medical Advisory Panel reviewed the information and published a commentary which challenged the validity of the study’s findings in respect to the evidence relating to the Drinkaware information.
The commentary from Drinkaware's Medical Advisory Panel has unequivocally refuted the claims of the original publication.
Drinkaware's website gives a balanced overview of all the possible risk factors and does not shy away from including the importance of alcohol as a possible cause for breast cancer. It is not the only risk factor, although it is one of the most important.
Furthermore, the Drinkaware commentary argues that the public has a right to be provided with relevant evidence-based information about cancer risk.
Drinkaware fully supports the UK Chief Medical Officers' guidelines on alcohol advice and prides itself on providing accurate and helpful information for the large number of people visiting our site.