Drinkaware responds to research from Direct Line and the Global Drugs Survey on drinking during lockdown
Today (3 June 2020), Drinkaware has responded to separate research published from the Global Drug Survey and Direct Line.
Drinkaware CEO Elaine Hindal said: “Research from the Global Drug Survey and Direct Line published today further compounds the need to recognise concerning drinking patterns before they become harmful.
“The figures from both studies are in line with our recent research, which has shown that during lockdown people’s drinking habits have changed in different ways. We know that some people are drinking more, earlier in the day, more frequently than they usually would.
“Regularly drinking more and more increases our tolerance to alcohol. And a higher tolerance means an increased danger of forming a variety of ingrained drinking habits, which once established, are far harder to break.
“Even though we are in lockdown and our ‘new normal’ is potentially here to stay for some time, the low-risk guidelines – of drinking no more than 14 units a week – remain the same. They’re there to keep us safe from the harms of alcohol, both mental and physical, which is now more important than ever.”