Drinkaware releases free guide to help pubs and bars boost sales of low and alcohol-free drinks

- Drinkaware has partnered with Punch Pubs & Co, Star Pubs & Bars, Admiral Taverns and Club Soda to create an interactive guide to increase sales of low and alcohol-free drinks.
- The guide will be distributed to more than 5,200 venues across the UK.
- The alcohol-free beer market is expected to double over the next ten years.
Drinkaware, the UK’s leading charity in reducing alcohol harm, has today (12 February) launched a free guide for the on-trade on how to boost their sales of low and alcohol-free products.
The guide features five publicans from Leeds, Marylebone, Bermondsey, the Forest of Dean and Reigate, who share their experiences and insights on how to enhance customer experiences and maximise sales of low and alcohol-free drinks. The interactive guide includes key statistics, engaging videos and actionable tips to get started straight away, including:
- How to successfully bring in more customers
- How to upsell and boost sales of low and alcohol-free products
- Who is buying low and alcohol-free in 2024
- What can staff do to promote low and alcohol-free products
- How the visibility of low and alcohol-free products contributes to sales
Drinkaware worked with Club Soda, a leading mindful drinking movement, along with Punch Pubs & Co, Star Pubs & Bars and Admiral Taverns. The guide will be distributed to more than 5,200 venues across the UK. The guide is also freely available online through this link.
Jimmy Adams, from the Lucky Saint pub in Marylebone, shared his key insights and noted that “over 73% of the UK population are now moderating”, which contributes to Global Market Insights predicting that the alcohol-free beer market will double over the next ten years.
Rowan Smith from The Hide in Bermondsey has seen more low and alcohol-free drinks being sold in the middle of the week and said, “Just because people are choosing not to drink, or not drink, that day, doesn’t mean they don’t want to celebrate and socialise.”
Hari Fell from The Tudor Farmhouse, Forest of Dean, has seen more low and alcohol-free drinks sold at her events.
Adam Jones, the charity Drinkaware’s Director of Business Development and Partnerships, said:
“This free guide is a great example of how Drinkaware and our partners in the industry can work together to share key insights and knowledge. We know, and our research shows, that pubs play an important role in many communities, and so are ideally placed to help continue the growth of low and alcohol-free options.
“Moderating and swapping alcoholic drinks for low and alcohol-free alternatives can be a great way to help people stay within the CMO's low-risk guidelines of 14 units a week while socialising any day of the week at pubs across the UK. We hope the guide helps venues further embrace the category, identify some great ideas and boost their sales of low and alcohol-free.”
Laura Willoughby, the founder of the mindful drinking movement Club Soda, who’s been helping consumers and venues discover alcohol-free drinks since 2015, said:
"No business likes to miss revenue; an estimated £800m is lost to hospitality when consumers order tap water, so now is the time to review your drink range and make sure you have drinks for everyone. We are chuffed to have teamed up with Drinkaware to provide a free training guide to make this easier, and we’re excited that we have got some of our favourite venues to share their top tips on how to pick a winning range and execute it well. Request the guide, share it with your team and delight your customers with some new drinks!"
Clive Chesser, the CEO of Punch Pubs & Co, said:
“We know more people than ever are purchasing low and no-alcohol drinks and we want them to feel welcome and catered for in all our community pubs across the country.
“We’re committed to responsible consumption and would urge all pubs to showcase low and no products with pride to demonstrate value and quality.”
Lawson Mounstevens, the Managing Director of Star Pubs & Bars, said:
"There is an expectation now that pubs have low and alcohol-free drinks available. We want our pubs to be leading the field in this growing market and alongside Drinkaware and other industry leaders, materials like this will provide our people with the knowledge to do just that.”
Emma McClarkin, the CEO of the British Beer & Pub Association, said:
"With the low and no market continuing to show strong growth and consumer interest remaining high, it is great to see this guidance from Drinkaware and Club Soda to help support licensees to make the most of opportunities presented through the no and low alcohol category and to ensure these products are presented in the way that delivers the best possible consumer experience. In particular, where sufficient consumer demand supports, for low and no beer served on draught as a way for those who are seeking low and no options to enjoy the full pub experience."