Professor Ivo Vlaev

Professor of Behavioural Science at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.

Ivo Vlaev is among the leading behavioural psychologists in the UK and is currently a Professor of Behavioural Science at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick.

Ivo Vlaev is a Professor of Behavioural Science, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. Ivo received a DPhil (PhD) in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford (and St. John's College). Before coming to Warwick, Ivo worked as a research fellow at University College London and senior lecturer at Imperial College London. He has a track record of research in decision science (behavioural economics) and behaviour change, which is published in peer-reviewed academic journals, book chapters and government reports. In behaviour change, Ivo’s research focuses on developing an integrated theory of behaviour change which combines principles from psychology, neuroscience, and economics. Testing the theory involves developing and evaluating behaviour change interventions in various domains such as health, finance, education, and environment.

Ivo is also a co-author of the famous UK Cabinet Office MINDSPACE report, which provides a framework for designing effective policy utilising the latest insights from behavioural sciences (also known as nudge theory). The framework is widely used across government (it provided the basis for establishing the first ‘Behaviour Insight Team’ at the UK Cabinet Office) and in the commercial sector. Ivo has helped public and private organisations develop and apply lessons from behavioural science.

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