Drinkaware respond to study in the Lancet which suggests alcohol is associated with 28 million deaths each year worldwide

Date Published

24th August 2018




This new study supports existing evidence about the harms associated with alcohol and reinforces the clear message that the more you drink, the greater the chance of developing serious long-term health conditions, such as liver disease, heart disease and seven types of cancer.

Our research shows that over a quarter (26%) of UK adults typically exceed the low risk drinking guidelines and are running the risk of serious long term illnesses.*

The UK Chief Medical Officers advise that to keep the health risks from alcohol to a low level, men and women should not be regularly drinking more than 14 standard units a week, which is six standard glasses of 13% wine or six pints of 4% beer. If people are choosing to drink, and are regularly drinking as much as this, it’s best to spread the drinking evenly over three or more days.

We would encourage anyone who thinks they need to cut back to think about having several drink free days a week to help keep the risks low.

Drinkaware understands just how confusing and problematic keeping track of drinks and units can be which is why we have designed a Drinkaware calculator and app, available from our website, to help people monitor their drinking.

*Drinkaware Monitor 2017

Read the story in The Guardian